Birthday Girl, Birthday Boy
Wanting so bad to get up on the gate to see Stoney face to face, too. A year has come
Wanting so bad to get up on the gate to see Stoney face to face, too. A year has come
Kate was so happy to get her hands on her Valentine’s Day plant! A few days ago, Jack and I
Claire is now seven! It’s been a whirlwind trip with her–a little over seven years ago, I was two weeks
So proud to be two! It seems like only yesterday that our hardy, handsome, happy boy Henry was born but
You’re So Lucky! I’m not sure if I’m lucky because I’m still pregnant or unlucky because I already have kids…
A perfect representation of mother’s day with young children! Neill Marriot recently said, Love is making space in your life for
Driving the winding cowpaths of Indiana’s back roads. Every mother needs to get away once in a while for a
The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. ~Unknown
Make a wish! Recently, Claire celebrated her fifth birthday. Her birth marked the beginning of my adventure as a stay-at-home
There’s a song the girls learned through church, entitled, Daddy’s Homecoming and the first line is: I’m So Glad When Daddy
If I had to sum up Claire, it partly would be by this photo: cat ears, crazy hair, eclectic outfit,
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