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So proud to be two!

It seems like only yesterday that our hardy, handsome, happy boy Henry was born but somehow, we blinked and he’s already two! While he certainly is a strong willed, independent kid, deep down, he always has been. It’s just now, he can really express himself. He’s talking up a storm, often wanders off in search of adventures, can play incredibly rough (just ask his sisters how hard he can bite) yet be one of the most tender, soft-hearted children I know. Seriously, you should see him apologize after he’s bitten someone. There’s a quiet, “Sorry (whoever I bit),” complete with a pat on the head and a hug. Henry is really the boy who has it all.

He’s the boy who’s first to volunteer to help.
 The boy who’s got an ear for music and rhythm.
The boy who’s always up for a game.
 The boy who’s never-ending curiosity is a gentle reminder how amazing the world really is.

The boy who loves machines and loud noises, whether it’s a garbage truck, tractor, saw, chainsaw, semi truck, police car, fire truck, steam roller, jackhammer, backhoe, airplane, helicopter, bulldozer…

He’s the boy who, like his sisters, isn’t squeamish about bugs.

Henry is the boy who sometimes has bad ideas, like when he convinced his cousin to drink water off the dirty concrete.

 He’s the boy who has an unfailing love for water.
Stacking wood on his birthday.
 He’s the boy who’s not afraid of hard, hot work.
And he most definitely is the boy who is always…
Good thing he loves veggies just as much as every other kind of food!
We sure love Henry and are so pleased he’s our boy!

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Our budding family

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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