Entomology Fun
Claire’s damsel fly buddy. It’s a really good thing we like bugs, especially around here. If we didn’t, we’d be
Claire’s damsel fly buddy. It’s a really good thing we like bugs, especially around here. If we didn’t, we’d be
Guarding the door. I was hoping the harder-than-normal winter would have “taken care” of a few of the abundant insects
Jack’s favorite pets. After the death of our poor honeybees the past winter, Jack did a little research and found
This past month we’ve traveled through Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska and have noticed there’s an undeniable population
We had a wild and crazy evening hanging up the newly arrived praying mantis pods. Hatch babies, hatch!
While doing some painting outside, the girls overturned some rocks and found a millipede. At first, they were hesitant until
Jack’s already ordered another hive. Now, we wait for spring.
That’s not what we want to see in winter… We took advantage of the nicer weather last Saturday and got
To prevent cabin fever, the girls and I used some old materials we had around the house to make our
This is our first Indy autumn and honestly, it feels more like a second spring. Sure the leaves are changing
Here come the Asian lady beetle to invade our house only to die in the corners, bite when unprovoked, make
I’ve seen this guy the past few days on our enormous second-story deck. It’s a fun reminder that our experiment
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