
Easter came and went all too fast, but we’d been living with the excitement of the buildup for weeks as the kids got ready for it. They were cutting out and coloring eggs, wondering what was going to be in their Easter baskets, asking what the weather was going to be like on Easter Sunday. I made sure to remind them the real meaning of the holiday and the kids always shake their heads, confirming they know all about Jesus and His Atonement and Resurrection. Obviously.


I shouldn’t have been surprised when I was woken up at the bright and early hour of six AM because the kids COULD NOT wait to find their baskets. It’s all too exciting! Good thing I’m a morning person. Plus, there’s something special about seeing the sunrise on Easter morning. It’s so symbolic to watch the sun rise on Easter morning, especially with the gorgeous weather we were blessed with that day.


After a brunch of pancakes and bacon and hashbrowns, everyone dumped their candy into bags and we headed outside for our on-the-farm egg hunt. Though it was technically Peter’s second Easter, this was the first one that he sorta understood what was going on. He was sent out first to find eggs, got the idea, and was let loose to do it on his own.


I followed Peter around the yard at a distance, and couldn’t help but laugh as he’d stumble upon an egg. He’d stare and stare and stare, not quite sure of what he was seeing before he’d gasp and pick it up. Every time was exciting for him, especially once he found candy filled eggs. While everyone else was still tearing around the yard to find more, he plunked down in the green grass to crack that egg open for the jelly beans.

Once we had soaked up enough sunshine and found all but one egg (that later we found on a fencepost…whoops!), we headed inside to listen to General Conference, a bi-annual churchwide meeting that we were able to watch from the comfort of our couch. While the kids colored and worked on craft projects, we listened to talks about everything from repentance to faith to enduring through difficult times, all of which were centered around our Savior.

Between sessions of conference, I went to take a nap and woke up to find the kids decided it’d be a good idea to test out the water temperature of the pond. Everyone had gotten a hand-me-down wetsuit for Christmas and while the ice is gone, the water definitely still isn’t warm. They jumped off the dock, gasped at the cold air, then hurried back to shore where they could warm up again in the sun.

They hosed off and in a rush, we slapped together our Easter dinner so we could go watch the next session of General Conference. The excitement of the day caught up with a lot of the kids and they pooped out on the couch. Fine by me–it was quiet enough that I could listen. Once the next session finished, I went into the kitchen to find the ham wasn’t nearly as warm as it should’ve been. I cranked up the heat and finished getting the rest of dinner ready. It was probably just as well that we’d been eating our meals late all day because we didn’t get dinner on the table until 7pm. Oh, well! It made everything taste all that much better.
All in all, Easter was another beautiful Sunday, tucked away on our little farm. The weather was absolutely perfect, the flowers were starting to bud and bloom, we enjoyed each other’s company in a relaxing, leisurely Sabbath, all while remembering the special meaning of the day–that there is hope, we can improve and try to do better, that joy is possible in this life, and that death is not the end, all because of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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