Jack and I celebrated our fourteenth anniversary this week and though it’s kind of like having a thirty-seventh birthday, where it’s not one of the huge milestones, it’s an important one nonetheless. This year was a pretty low-key celebration, in part because we’re in the midst of such a busy time of life. I mean, with six kids and another on the way, we’re averaging a baby every two years. They are definitely the life of the party that is our marriage, all day, every day.
When it comes to gifts, it’s the same story every year…I desperately try to figure out what to get Jack, while he effortlessly comes up with the kind of gifts that make me feel special. Here’s some insight into the anniversary gift giving ritual:
We ended up agreeing that I shouldn’t get anything, because I’m really that terrible at thinking outside the box, while Jack spoiled me. He brought home several helpings of Ethiopian food (where elephants live) and bought me a pair of super cool, handcarved wood and mother of pearl (because it looks kind of like ivory) earrings. He definitely wins at gift giving. He always wins. At least with my method of gift giving, no one will run out of socks.
The rest of the day was spent running Evelyn to her swim practice, having an online zoom meeting, and knocking up our cows to get them pregnant. Nothing says happy anniversary like breeding cows together.
The day was quieter than some of our past anniversaries, but it was no less meaningful. We’re living the dream and are so grateful for the life we’ve been able to build, and in awe of where our hard work and perseverance has led us. We are so happy to be able to have this time together and look forward to many, many more anniversaries to come, even if it means I fall short when it comes to surprising Jack.