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Kate, our tiny dancer.

Way back at last Christmas, Kate was gifted ballet lessons but because all the studios near us only start new students along with a new school year, Kate had to wait until August to redeem her present. After months of waiting, it was finally time to go to class. She was ready in her ballet clothes the second her backpack dropped on the floor when she got home from school.

Zoey’s excited for her big sister, too. 🩰

Every week while Claire is at gymnastics, Kate’s down the road, twirling in ballet class. She is naturally extremely flexible (if a bit unbalanced), and is a quick study.


Though the big performance for the dance studio is in the spring, they have a smaller Christmas recital so everyone gets a chance to be on stage. When the day came, I asked Kate if she was nervous. She shook her head. “Nope.” I was pleasantly surprised at her fearless attitude about dancing in front of a crowd. The last time we had kids in dance was when Evelyn was a wee little one and she chickened out right as she realized that being on stage meant people could SEE her. But no, not Kate.

Talk about packed!

The performance was at the local middle school auditorium and it was jam-packed. We found where we were supposed to go, and she got in her costume, I applied some makeup, and she was ready to dance.

 Here she is with her beginner ballet class performing their Winter Wonderland dance:

It’s probably the proud mother speaking, but I think she did a fantastic job, dancing with a smile on her face and without a hint of hesitation, even when she teetered.

Her curtsey! 🥰

The best part of the evening, especially for the siblings who were barely able to stay in their seats after Kate’s dance was over, was that Santa came for a visit. Peter was especially interested in the man with the white beard.


We got a cute photo with Santa (Zoey is still smiling, even if she’s keeping her eye on St. Nick), enjoyed a few treats, and were out the door before bedtime.


I think the most enjoyable part of watching our kids in their various activities is that we get a glimpse of who they’ll be in the future. Sure, they tumble and trip now but if they stick with it, they’ll master those basic skills, then they’ll really fly. I’m looking forward to watching them along the way to see their progress, and will be there to cheer them on every step or stroke or plie or back handspring along the way.




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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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