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It’s amazing how much rock weighs. Phew!
Spring cleaning and nesting is a deadly combination and something I’ve experienced a couple of times as I’ve been pregnant with children. Part of me feels like once I have a new baby, nothing will ever get done again. The other part of me is working hard and looking forward to that “break” the arrival of a newborn causes, if it can truly be dubbed a break. Over the past month, waiting for our new little guy to arrive, we have been working like c-r-a-z-y to cross some things off our list. We’ve cleared up the yard of the largest branches and sticks so I can mow without having to stop.

Then, we piled it all up and burned it. Parenting tip: if you want your kids to help you unload wood, tell them they’ll be able to roast marshmallows if they help. Works every time.


Since we were already on a roll with fire, we also burned our back pasture to get rid of the foxtail and other weeds, then reseeded it. That’s a lot of walking and admittedly, Jack did most of it. Sometimes my nesting extends to motivating others to do it for me.


One word: cleaning. While everyone else in the world seemed to be gallivanting off in Florida or Mexico for spring break, the kids and I cleaned the house from top to bottom. We’re talking scrubbing behind toilets, wiping out the fridge, cleaning under the couch, washing windows…it was exhausting but so nice to have a spic ‘n’ span house. It lasted for all of two seconds, but it was nice.


There were plenty of rewards for their hard work, including a few April Fool’s jokes to keep everyone laughing. Everyone except Henry. He was really looking forward to brownies, not brown E’s. Don’t worry–he was compensated with ice cream instead.


Amidst all the flurry of cleaning, burning, and farm chores, Jack had a trip to the U.K. It was kind of a blur while he was gone because that leaves me to be the fun/responsible/disciplinarian/homework helper/activity goer/etc parent all at the same time. Still, my desire for nesting and spring cleaning didn’t ebb, and we added that to the list. Talk about a relief when he got back and could help share the load. I may have taken a few days off bedtime duty to recover.

He brought back dandelion soda from England. The kids were not thrilled with it and decided to pour it back.

Meanwhile, work around the home and farm continued. The chicken coop got a good cleaning (or as clean as a person can get a chicken coop), we mucked all the stalls, scrubbed water buckets, swept the aisles, and tidied the tack area.


With all the rain we’ve been having this spring, it really brought out the worst of qualities about the Indiana mud–sticky, sloppy, smelly, and impossible to walk without slipping. One of the grossest parts of the farm is the chicken run. To remedy their slick, muddy area, Henry, Zoey and I got a very heavy load of gravel and bucket by bucket, emptied it. Surprisingly, that did not induce labor, despite my best efforts.

With the chickens happy, we also decided to get ready for two new beehives, putting landscaping cloth underneath, weeding, and moving the pavers. We’re all ready for some fresh honey!


One pressing issue that had to be tackled was repairing the fence at the back of our property. We’d given it an honest effort before when Woody escaped once but with his insatiable desire to eat everything in sight, he managed to get out again. So, we moved everyone to the front and instead of high tensile wire, we put up a mesh fencing that wouldn’t let a rat through. Hopefully, that’s the end to our problems with Woody escaping.

As I neared my due date, we kept working because what else is there to do? I felt I’d reached a point that I was ready (if there is such a thing) if the baby decided to show up, even though my to-do list was as long as ever. With the arrival of warmer weather, we started getting the garden ready. With our elderly tractor on the fritz and the ever-present Indiana mud, we started moving the manure pile up front to the garden, one wheelbarrow at a time. I shoveled and Jack pushed for what seems like hours and we barely made a dent. But the important thing is we tried! We’ll be back at it soon enough.
With the garden plot pretty close to ready, we took a trip to our favorite nursery to get the plants and seeds for this year’s garden. We probably bought twice the amount that we did last year but I’m guessing we’ll still have space when all is said and done…er, planted. My ambitions for gardening seemed heightened this year and without any trips to Portugal to interrupt weeding, we’ll see how on top of it all I’ll be able to stay.
Our trailer has been getting all kinds of use getting ready for the upcoming growing season. I can’t even remember how many loads of mulch we’ve gotten and there’s still more we can (and let’s be honest, probably will) mulch. The fruit trees in the orchard, the front landscaping, the strawberries and asparagus, under the lilac, by the crabapple, in the garden, the raspberry row…mulch for everything. Then I’ll probably be getting sand for the beach, and rock for any other low, muddy spots. Can I just say how much I love having a trailer??
Flinging mulch around the trees, two fistfuls at a time.
After all the mulching, spreading manure, shopping for plants, cleaning the barn, hauling rock, still, no baby. So, we kept pressing on. We planted our blueberries, figs, hardy kiwi, and grapes around the house and in the orchard.

Then we turned to the garden. The strawberry patch and asparagus are looking good and the purple, red, and white potatoes are all in the ground. It’s slow work but row by row, it’ll get done. Someday. When the rain quits soaking everything.


Oh. And I finished writing, editing, formatting, and publishing another book. That might’ve been the most frantic task of all, since who knows how much brainpower I’ll have after having a new baby and being sleep deprived. Glad to say it’s finished!

Get your copy here! 🙂

I’ve officially made it past my due date, which I don’t know why that surprises me. Henry was the only one earlier than his expected arrival, Katherine eventually came on her own, but everyone else was two weeks late and had to be induced anyway. I’ve tried it all–eating fresh pineapple, walking for miles, squatting while planting potatoes, mowing, eating spicy food, waiting for the full moon, celebrating Earth day by starting garden planting, cleaned the church, hid (and found) Easter eggs, chasing down escaped cows, and every other possible labor-inducing tactic known to science and old wives but I’m still waiting, waiting, waiting. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though and really, I don’t care how my kids arrive as long as they’re healthy. In the meantime, everyone will continue to be subject to my crazy nesting/spring cleaning urges and when the time comes, it’ll be a well-deserved “rest.”

Kate helping me get ready by painting my toenails since I can’t reach them anymore.


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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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