Laundry sink flooding again? Just laugh!
Sometimes, I wish life was all roses and butterflies and unicorns prancing under rainbows but sometimes, things aren’t so perfect. The other day, when everything seemed to be going wrong, I sat down for a few minutes to grab a bite to eat, while Henry plastered me with stickers. The one that stayed on most of the day was Laugh. So, I’ve been trying to do just that.

When the cows aren’t grateful for the enormous pasture they’re in, are convinced the grass is greener on the other side and will break the fence to get to it…

Just laugh.

And fix the fence. Again.
When the kids get dirty minutes after you get them dressed…
Just laugh.
And let them be dirty.
When you get a bump, bruise, scratch, scrape, sliver, boo boo, owie, or ding…
Just laugh.
And go get a band-aid, bag of ice, or if needed, stitches, and get back to work.
When your painting buddies turn sloppy…
Just laugh.
And lay down a drop cloth.
When you have carpet that is literally the color of barf…
Just laugh.
And rip that nasty stuff out.
When your kids can’t keep their toys out of the way where you’re working…
Just laugh.
And work around them.

When your baby discovers she has hair coming out of her head and can’t go a single meal without rubbing food into it…

Just laugh.
And give her a bath. Several times a day.
When carpenter bees are eating holes in your barn…
Just laugh.
And give Henry a broom.
And when you whack yourself in the stomach trying to kill the carpenter bees…
Just laugh.
And give the broom back to Henry.
When your kids clog their bathroom sink after washing off their dirty feet…
Just laugh.
And be glad they have so much room to run and play.
When your kids aren’t quite as good at sleeping when camping as you’d like…
Just laugh.
And appreciate having a few extra snuggles at night and a well-deserved nap in the afternoon.
When the weather outside is too crummy to ride…
Just laugh.
And take a ride on the penny pony.
Just laugh.
And clean him up tomorrow.
Dirt: Zoey’s favorite snack.
When your kids just can’t seem to grasp the concept of gross…
Just laugh.
And try to explain it again.
When you can’t seem to convince waterfowl that our pond is not the home for them…
Just laugh.
Like my new barn quilt decor?! So cute!
When the artwork you’ve just hung is lost in the clutter…
Just laugh.
And appreciate that it’s there.
When the ticks and mosquitos and creepy crawlies find you…
Just laugh.
And pick them off, and don’t be afraid of going outside.
When your kids want to help in the kitchen but all they seem to do is make a mess…
Just laugh.
And let them help anyway.
When your little legs can’t get you across the ravine…
Just laugh.
And find another way around.
When your beautiful hair gets snarled and tangled with burrs…
Just laugh.
And enjoy a little extra attention from your parents.
When you’re the assigned babysitter…
Just laugh.
And make the best of it.
When fishing isn’t going the way you hoped…
Just laugh.
And cast it again.
And maybe be a little more careful next time.
When your brown thumb knows no bounds…
Just laugh.
And reuse the soil to plant new, less finicky, flowers.
When your cows escape…
Just laugh.
And round them up with a scoopful of grain.
When a mushroom inoculated log is soaking in your laundry sink (repeatedly)…
Just laugh.
And look forward to finding edible mushrooms in your forest the following year.
When unexpected guests join you for dinner…
Just laugh.
Be glad you’re not Little Miss Muppet and move them outside.
When your kids have broken almost all of your roman shades…
Just laugh.
And figure out another way to put them up to let the sunshine in.
When you have sooo much laundry to fold that you might lose your mind…
Just laugh.
And use your pool table to get it done.
When you fix your girls’ hair only to have them mess it up…
Just laugh.
And comb it out one more time.
When you spill your chicken feed…
Just laugh.
And get the broom.
When someone’s got an upset stomach…
Just laugh.
And give them the barf bowl.

Life’s not perfect for anyone, by any stretch of the imagination but there’s something to be said about learning to laugh through the tribulations, take it all in stride, and enjoy the journey!


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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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