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Evelyn received a surprise package from Church headquarters.
Way back when we lived in Iowa, we had an interesting, faith-building experience with a naughty pair of dwarf Nigerian goats, who though small, could leap like a deer on the run. It was memorable enough for Evelyn to want to write to The Friend magazine, our church’s publication for children. It was about three years ago that Evelyn and I sat down at the computer and she dictated what she remembered of the experience.
Guess who got a surprise right after we returned from our Christmas break in Nebraska?
Click here to read her story.

Evelyn’s account is featured in the January 2017 magazine, along with the adorable photo of her as a five-year-old and a cartoon sketch of the situation (I WISH we’d had that nice of a fence in Iowa!). She was tickled pink when she opened the magazine and reread what she’d “written” almost three years ago. I don’t know about her, but being a published author at the tender age of seven is a pretty cool accomplishment!


Like mother, like daughter? It’s always fun to see what talents the children develop and whether any of them are overlapping or if they’ll teach me something new. Only time will tell!

Well done, Evelyn!

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Our budding family

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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