
Everyone’s enjoying the warmer weather and longer days and now that my leg has healed, I’m back to running on the road. This time, it was Henry’s turn to go with me.


He looked around for about two minutes before falling asleep from the rocking motion and snuggled all nice and warm in his blanket. When we got home and I had to wake him up to take him inside, he gave me a sleepy-eyed smirk…obviously, running in the stroller was enjoyable. For him. I’m still getting to that point.


Since it was already a day of firsts, we also introduced him to the bounce house that we have rolled out in the great room.

Sooooo fun!

I thought it might be a little overwhelming as the girls and Jack engaged in a bouncy house pillow fight (Kate’s turn to pick activity for family night!), but the instant we were inside, he was all smiles and hearty laughter.

Many important–and very exciting–firsts for Henry today!

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