Hello, Henry! |
It’s just a few hours shy of a week since Henry’s birth and I’m always amazed how quickly I recover. I don’t quite feel like running a marathon yet, but I can bend over, my feet aren’t swollen anymore, I have a semblance of a waistline and I’ve adjusted to our new sleep schedule.
The stain makes the fence look fantastic! |
I am so appreciative of people who remind me to take it easy and offer to help watch kids or bring meals so that I can. But frankly, I don’t like to sit still. The fruit in season won’t make itself into jelly, the vegetables won’t pick themselves, the hens won’t stop laying, the house won’t fix itself and the children aren’t self-sufficient yet. As an older neighbor told Jack, I just keep hoein’ and goin’. I take that as a compliment.
Yum! Muscadine grape jelly. |
Most of the work has been keeping up with the housework and making sure the children are happy, healthy and are adjusting well to having another sibling (which they are–they’re already asking for another one, haha) but we’ve found time to do some other chores, like harvesting grapes and making them into jelly, pureeing some garden squash, staining our new pasture, and taking care of the animals.
Hope Henry enjoys pureed squash! |
I’m still not at my peak efficiency, but that’s okay too. I manage to get in a nap everyday still and, come afternoon, I’m alright with sitting on the couch with the girls, reading or watching a show or coloring.
Kate helping Jack harvest potatoes. |
There’s always time to keep hoein’ and goin’ but sometimes, thanks to help from Jack, the girls, family and friends, a break just feels right.
Mother Kate taking care of Baby Henry. |