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Done! Now to finish the fence…
Though I am a big proponent of having horses live as “naturally” as possible (i.e. minimal stall time, kept on pasture, forage for food, grain only as needed, etc), there’s something comforting about having a shed where they can take shelter from the weather. Of course, 99% of the time, they’ll choose to stand outside with their backs to the wind, water and hail and never bother to use the shed, but when it’s icy, sleeting or incredibly cold, it does occur to them to go inside.
The sad looking shed…

Part of my extreme nesting before any baby is born is to finish up projects that I’ve started so that I can have a “break” when I’ve got a newborn. It never lasts long, but it’s nice to be at a stopping point. The horses’ shed was on my list of things to finish and thankfully, it’s done long before the new baby and winter.

Working on cutting out the floor and moving the tack/feed area back while the girls investigate some raccoon bones. My little anthropologists…

We’d gotten a good start on it when one of Jack’s friends from college who was over in Ohio drove over for a day of helping out. The outside was pretty straightforward–just screw the metal onto the frame.

Putting on the final outside touches!

The inside was a little more work-intensive. We had to cut out the floor, move a door, put up some plywood (hopefully to deter any kicking through the metal), widening the opening and reinforcing the header. But, compared to other projects, it wasn’t all that much work for the payoff of improvement and use. So, a big thanks to Jack (and Nicole!) for their help putting together a beautiful horse shelter for my spoiled, rotten animals who will probably never even say Thank you for all their hard work. It looks fantastic!

Look! It even matches the house!

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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