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Jack’s all set for a week at camp.

There’s a popular children’s song at church entitled, I’m So Glad When Daddy Comes Home. The girls sing it quite frequently because they always are so glad when Daddy comes home. Early Monday morning, we sent Jack off to Scout Camp for an entire week. He was loaded up and ready to have his own fun adventures while we stayed behind and tried to have our own.

Claire is not impressed that Jack’s gone.

Truth be told, I’m not generally the “fun” parent, not because I don’t like fun, but because someone has to be responsible and get stuff done. But, when I’m the only parent around, I’ve got to play all the parts. I’m the entertainer, the storyteller, the maid, the cook, the doctor, the chauffeur. I have to answer midnight screams from nightmares, take out the garbage, put the chickens away, feed everyone, clean, discipline, return library books and generally make sure everyone’s happy. It’s a balancing act and after each stretch of single parenting while Jack is away for work or volunteering, I’m probably the most all grateful to have him back. While he was gone this week, we tried to have fun. Tried being the key word.

I think we’re about halfway done prepping firewood…
We stacked wood…
Finishing the last bit of tile in the master bath!
…worked on the bathroom…
…played in the rain (because otherwise, we weren’t going to get to go outside)…


…visited the horses…

Last of the grout!

…worked on the bathroom some more, while doing summer homework…

Kate throwing in a few rocks before it started to sprinkle.

…and basically tried to survive.

Hiking down to our Scouts’ campsite.

The highlight of the week came Wednesday when we went to visit Jack during parents’ night at Scout Camp. Though it rained off and on, we were able to enjoy several hours there, too many sugary treats and exploring around the campsite.

Catching rain while visiting Jack at camp.

Of course, when it was time to leave several hours after bedtime, there was much whining and crying (me included) while Jack promised us he’d be home in a few days.

Stopping at the animal building, of course!

In the meantime, we went back to working on the bathroom, editing my next novel and starting on oa new one, watching too many chick flicks, staying up too late,  and surviving the girl drama that always escalates while our guy, Jack, is gone. Saturday morning, we tidied up the house and at long last, Jack came back.

We’re all so glad when Daddy comes home.

Now, time for some real fun.

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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