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Kate  headed to the show ring.
We’re hot, tired and spent the day in the sun and on our feet, but we’re all incredibly happy…
Getting Stoney groomed and ready.
Since finding out I was expecting another baby, my riding has taken a back seat. However, I’ve had my eye on fulfilling another goal this year: taking the girls to their first leadline classes at a horse show.
Waiting their turn to ride.
Lucky for us, there’s a facility and a horseman’s club that has such classes for the girls, and they’re only about a twenty minute drive from us. Our sweet neighbor, who’s also a horse lover, agreed to trailer our old gelding, Stoney. So, we arrived about three hours too early (novice mistake–oh, well) and enjoyed watching other competitors and waiting for Stoney to calm down.
Evelyn warming up.
Well, Stoney never did calm down. He shrilly neighed like a frantic young mare in heat the entire duration of his time at the show. I can’t really blame him though. This was the first time he’d been away from Dancer since we brought her home seven years ago. I don’t think Dancer knew he was missing though–she wasn’t upset when we arrived home again. Stoney forgot the entire ordeal as well once he was off the trailer and eating grass in his favorite pasture at home.
Claire showing off her winning smile.
The girls all had a fantastic time. Evelyn and Claire were in walk/trot classes and though it wasn’t the fastest or furthest I’ve ever run, I’m glad that I’d kept up running while pregnant as long as I had. Stoney jogged along gently (while shrilly neighing to everyone who would answer him) and Evelyn and Claire beamed the entire time. Kate was in a walk-only class and since it was full of first-time riders, everyone was “tied” for first and all won a blue ribbon.
Her first blue ribbon!

It was an exhausting day for sure but it was awesome to take my girls to their first show! They loved the atmosphere, Stoney received his fair share of compliments (he is a gorgeous horse, and he knows it) and we’re already looking forward to another leadline show and the day when the girls are able to ride themselves.

(Jack…we need a pony!)

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Our budding family

Welcome to the farm!

True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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