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Kate finding her first egg.
When the girls realized that Easter was quickly approaching, they began a fervent countdown to Sunday, occasionally tearing up that it wasn’t coming fast enough.
2015-04-052b16-44-12-1-1106382We kept up with several family traditions, including putting out the Easter baskets in anticipation of the Easter Bunny coming…
Finally able to put out the baskets for the Easter Bunny!
…and dyeing eggs for the sneaky Bunny to hide. I was going to help them but in the two minutes it took me to finish loading and start the dishwasher, they’d turned every single egg into a work of art.
Might have to hard boil four dozen next year…
I shouldn’t have been surprised that all of them stayed up late, too excited to sleep, then were up at the crack of dawn, wanting to search for their baskets. Thankfully Jack the Easter Bunny had gotten up even earlier to go outside and hide the eggs for the girls to find.
Claire finding one of the last eggs.
Once the girls found all the eggs with the help of a forgetful Easter Bunny (every year we seem to have one or two that are difficult to find), the weather was balmy enough to enjoy a few minutes swinging before heading inside. Everybody is all smiles by the time we’re done.
Evelyn really gets into swinging.
We spent the morning eating a few more pieces of candy, then running through our usual pre-church routine. The entire weekend we’d been watching General Conference and listening to inspiring and uplifting messages about everything from family to the Resurrection to the Plan of Happiness.
Playing with the bubble machines.
Every time General Conference lands on Easter, I feel extremely renewed and peaceful, being able to hear others’ kind words about our Savior and what He accomplished for us. I am grateful that through the fun of family traditions and between work projects, the true meaning of the holiday shines through. Wee could sit together and reminisce about our blessings of eternal families, all because of a loving Father in Heaven and His Son, who have made it all possible.
Because He Lives

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

There are always clusters of fresh, beautiful flowers around the farm by Easter time.

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Our budding family

Welcome to the farm!

True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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