The girls have been asking for skirts to wear over their leggings and fortunately, they’re still at the age where dressing the same is fun. So here’s a really quick elastic waist band skirt that is comfortable and cute.
You’ll Need:
1 inch or wider elastic, enough for a child’s waist
Fabric, 10 inches wide (at least) and one and half the length of the waist band (for gathering)
Thread, pinking shears, scissors, pins, etc
1. Measure the child’s waist. Cut elastic with a quarter inch seam allowance.
2. Sew elastic with right sides together. Trim with pinking shears.
3. Hem base of skirt (I used a quarter inch seam allowance).
4. Trim the top raw edge of skirt with pinking shears.
5. With right sides together, fold fabric in half and sew together. Cut raw edge with pinking shears.
6. Baste about one inch from the top of the skirt. Gather to the same circumference as the waist band.
7. With skirt inside out, place right side of waist band against right side of skirt. Line up seams and pin before sewing.
8. Sew together elastic and skirt fabric.
9. Remove gathering baste stitch, turn right side out and wear!