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Thankfully this line only broke at a splice.  Still, one more thing to do.

I think I’ve had it with this week.  Last night, instead of trick-or-treating, we sat at home, watching a movie and listening to the storm rage outside.  It was, by far, the windiest I’d ever seen it in Indiana.  Autumn and spring wind in Iowa is as common as corn but here, the trees block most of it.

Thankfully the playground was spared, though barely.

They did their best last night.  We’d surveyed our property and had noted the dead trees that needed to be removed but without a working chainsaw, that project was put way down on the list.

It just jumped to the top.
It’s always the darn ash trees that rot in the middle and split in half.

Thankfully the horses didn’t decide to leave and seek greener pastures.  That’s about all the good I can say about the situation at the moment.  Now we’ve got trees to cut up, fence to repair and I’ve no idea what I’m going to do for our winter hay supply since our tarp was ripped to shreds and a good portion of the hay was soaked.  In this warm weather, it’ll only be a matter of days before it starts molding if it hasn’t already.


Of course the cost is an annoyance but what bothers me most is the waste of time.  Ugh.  I HATE wasting time.

This poor cottonwood tried to stop the rotted ash from ruining the fence and got split in half instead.  Thanks for trying anyway, little cottonwood.
No use in complaining I suppose.  We’ll just get to work.  First, who’s got a chainsaw?

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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