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Let’s Celebrate: A Pageview Milestone!


A few days ago, The Rehomesteaders’ blog reached a milestone: 50,000 pageviews!  Time to cross that goal off the list and celebrate with a giveaway!  How about a $50 Amazon gift card?

Sign up below and a winner will be chosen at random on the 8th of February 2013!  Feel free to invite friends and good luck!
(Be sure I can contact you if you’re the lucky winner–if I can’t reach you within 24 hours, another winner will be selected.  And you don’t want that to happen!).

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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110 Responses

  1. I would use it to get something for me! I promised I would do this with a cash prize I won and then it got absorbed into grocery money 🙁 so this time it would be easier to spend on me!!!

  2. We absolutely LOVE amazon and use it ALL THE TIME!! Our GPS recently broke and have resorted to driving around LA with printed google maps from home…which doesn't always work out, especially when you miss an exit and aren't familiar enough with the area NOT to get lost! Yea, we could sure use this $50 to put towards a new one!! Oh please let it be me Rach 🙂 Crossing fingers & toes…eyes too!!

    PS. You should have my email…or at the bare minimum you can Facebook me WHEN (yes that's right, when) I win 🙂

  3. Books for my kindle!!! My budget for books is never big enough.
    I have loved reading about your farm and missing mine. Enjoy Indianapolis, I have family there and come when I can.

  4. Congrats on the milestone and it looks like I discovered your blog at just the right time for a giveaway!
    I would probably buy books – I am of the firm believe that one cannot have too many books!

    ~KerrieLynn, AKA The Mix Gal

  5. And what I would buy is something for our homeschool. I found some fun posters of the solar system and the atom. I might also get some books. A better dictionary would be nice. There's too many possibilities to narrow it down!

  6. Yay for so many views! That's exciting and not surprising because you are awesome! If I won, I would use it to buy baby stuff…because let's face it, that's pretty much all I buy these days. 🙂

  7. Ok I tried commenting on this earlier on my phone but I dont think it worked… anyway there are so many things I'd like!! the first that comes to mind are a coat rack for our entry way or a new swimsuit 🙂 I hope I win!! 🙂

  8. I would find something to decorate the house. Just about every room in the house could use some freshening up. xbaber at hotmail dot com

  9. We have just moved into what will be our "small footprint" home where we will likely retire. I'd use this to buy something cozy for our new place 🙂
    Mary Beth Elderton
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  10. Congrats on the 50,000 views! I love your blog…wish we could do what you are doing!

    I'd buy fabric!

    Deborah on Rafflecopter

    thank you for the awesome giveaway!!!

  11. I would share it with my husband so we can pick out (lots!) of Kindle books. Thanks for the great giveaway! Holly Storm-Burge, hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com

  12. I am currently using a 9 year old laptop, and am in desperate need of a new one, so I would put this towards a new laptop. 🙂 Thanks for the chance!

  13. I think it'd go towards buying my birthday present. My 30th was last week but with Hubs still out of work he was bummed about not getting me anything. This way I could tell him to go crazy. LOL!!

    Maggie True Armstrong
    maggie at pdclarion dot com

  14. congrats on such a wonderful milestone!!

    I would get something for my daughter 🙂 she's gone through a lot lately dealing with all my doctor appointments, having to travel back and forth with me during the two hour drive, sit patiently with me (well… as patiently as you can expect from a two year old) and her Mimi, sit at her Mimi's house while I go to the hospital for testing which is new for her because she's never before stayed anywhere away from me… ever! I know it's been hard on her so I would get a special little treat for her, maybe some fun toy/activity we can enjoy doing together 🙂

    abigailsmommy at hotmail dot com

  15. I'd love to order some Honeyville Almond Flour! I've been using almond meal that I found locally for a decent price, but I'd love to try some of my recipes with the flour for a different texture! Thanks for this chance!!

    Ashley Reynolds
    reynoldsmommy at gmail dot com

  16. I found your blog through a giveaway link, but I have been reading it for the past hour – I absolutely love it and you're living out one of my bucket list fantasies!! (so I'll live vicariously through you until we can make it happen!) You've definitely gained a new reader here!

    As for Amazon – I love shopping on there and would probably buy my fave M.A.C. lipsstick or some new baking gear!

  17. I'd use it to buy something practical, since I'm saving for a new (used) car. If I bought something we needed with an Amazon card, the money for it could go toward savings instead.

    Thank you.
    Wendy T on rafflecopter
    won2xx at gmail dot com

  18. Yeah! I am proud of all the work you have done for your blog and your family. It gives me something to imagine I am doing. I were to win the gift card I would probably use it for something practical for myself. Most likely clothes 🙂


    Sarah Haws

  19. I would do two things: buy some super sweet yarn to make baby gear, and probably buy something awesome for my hubby or our house. That said, I'd probably hold onto it until we really needed something (like a computer cable, because we seem to go through those like they're candy.)

    Lora Lacey

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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