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My favorite window has to be the one in the living room.  It faces east, is plenty big, was only $25 and lets me witness some of the most memorable scenes on our farm from watching Alice spring the fence without breaking a sweat to my girls playing for hours on end in the spacious yard.

Sometimes I’m lucky to catch some of the prettiest sunrises, peaceful and all to myself before anyone else wakes.
(Pardon the dirty windows) Calling to the sheep before a riveting game of hide-and-seek with dad.
Watching the harvest.
Observing the migration of thousands of birds, mostly grackles and starlings, who stop and congregate in our geriatric trees (every year it reminds me a little of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds which sends a little shiver down my spine).

4 Responses

  1. I think you have perfect window placement and structure! You can just enjoy the sights if you want pure relaxation. And some other time, when you’re on ‘work mode,’ it would be easy to supervise activities within your property. Do you have curtains or blinds for it? I would recommend it, if you haven’t, for a more controlled looking-out-the-window experience. 😉

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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