
Every Sunday after church and a nap to recover, we try to take a stroll outside together.  We visit all of the animals and chat about what projects we’d like to work on next and just enjoy being in nature.

This past Sunday, we barely made it out the back door when we were distracted by a busy line of red and black field ants scurrying both directions across the sidewalk.  Naturally curious, we followed them back to their source:


On the edge of our yet-to-be-finished patio landscaping was an exposed section of dirt where the ants were hurriedly removing their precious eggs and following the trail to their new home.  They were in such great number that it was easy to spot them in the grass:


 In what would have been miles and miles away from their original colony was a small, unassuming home where the workers were either dropping off eggs or digging out room for everybody.

The coordinated effort was quite impressive.  But what prompted their move in the first place?


He’d been sneaking over for a little snack and the colony finally had enough.  It took a couple of days but they seem to have settled in, at least until Monty stumbles upon them again.

I hope we can be as efficient movers when the time comes!

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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