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Dolly waiting for Henry to open the gate so Jack can drop off a round bale.

Weekends are my FAVORITE. You’d think as a stay at home mom, one day would run into another without a set work schedule but I am just as excited for Friday night to roll around as everyone else. I love having everyone home and for the projects we accomplish, the new adventures we have together, and the teensy, tiny bit extra of rest we can sneak in.

Jack a.k.a. Ron Weasley trying out for quidditch.

Any given weekend might kick off with a party (and yes, you’d better believe we show up in full costume)…

…or running to a nearby farm to arrange pick up of round bales…
…which are then distributed to all the waiting livestock.
Popcorn and his own cart and he’s happy.
Sometimes we make trips to the local feed store…

…or spend hours in the kitchen mega baking for holidays, neighbors, or for a special treat for Jack’s workplace.

Once in a while I sneak away for an author event…

…and if we’re lucky, Jack and I find time for a date out to eat or to a charity event or sharing ice cream.

Babies and children get their baths, among the chaos…
 …and I run an in-home spa.
Claire got quite good at getting the tiles up in one piece!
 We work on home improvement projects together…
…and the kids get cooking lessons (when I’m not procrastinating and hurrying to get something on the table).

If we aren’t knocking down and rebuilding anything at our house, we wander over to a friend’s and help them destroy and fix theirs.

 We go on search of adventures (and large chairs to pose on)…

…and occasionally, we spend our weekends cleaning out the barn, restocking hay and water, and bringing in sopping wet horses in the middle of the night so they don’t freeze when the temperature dips. And are they thankful? Usually not.

Henry and his friend, Meric.

Of course, there’s church–renewing our covenants and worshipping with our ward family before we head to classes and discuss gospel topics and scriptures in more depth.

Waiting for nursery to start!

No denying that weekends are crazy–maybe best described as a sort of weekend mania–but they’re days I guard fiercely because my family is mine all mine!

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Our budding family

Welcome to the farm!

True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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