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Happy 6th!
Claire is now six and we are beyond blessed and happy that she’s in our family. Our one and only blue-eyed girl is a thriving, healthy, witty, beautiful young girl who loves school, wild outfits, climbing, cats, art, and anything thrilling. She is a passionate person who is also very tender and sensitive to others and has an independent streak that sometimes leaves me wondering where she’s wandered off to. Most of the time, the answer is…up.
Up a tree.
 Up a higher tree.
Up on top of the swingset.
Upside down.
Up on a roof.

Having a December birthday myself, I’m especially sensitive to the importance of having the birthday feel very distinct from Christmas, so a few Saturdays ago, we threw a party in her honor. We rolled out the bouncy house indoors, made beaded jewelry, and basically enjoyed having a madhouse with over thirteen children in attendance. Claire had the time of her life with her friends!


The day of her actual birthday, we were all surprised with a generous snowfall over the top of some very slick roads which gave me flashbacks of when I was pregnant with her. We were still in our little farmhouse in Iowa and I was two weeks overdue with an induction date a day away when we were hit with a massive blizzard that left us without power, heat, lights, and eventually froze our water. I was pretty close to having to have her in the bathtub by candlelight…how’s that for a memorable first birthday?


We managed to make it to school without sliding off the road to eat with the girls and drop off some cupcakes for her to share with her class, then we came home, decorated the windows and the cake and when everyone made it safely home, enjoyed Claire’s choice for dinner of corn dogs, sauteed shrimp, steamed green beans, and applesauce.

We opened presents with some family watching on Skype and she was showered with boots and a scooter, a cat coloring book and a suction cup bow and arrow (she’ll be the next Katniss Everdeen…and so far, only one sibling has been shot in the head).
This sums up Claire nicely.

Then, we enjoyed cake–or maybe more accurately frosting (it took a lot to put that cat together!)–and ice cream after blowing out the six blazing candles on the back of her cat cake. 

Nervously wondering if she can manage to blow out all those candles…
We sure love Claire and are happy to have another year with our darling girl.
Happy birthday, Claire Bear!

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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