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Some people have graciously commented that I seem to get a lot done, even while two little girls hang around and another is on the way.  First of all, I have to point out the girls are usually great about napping for several hours (at the same time even!) in the afternoon.  Secondly, I’d like to share my other motivation:

I guess we did have a hand-me-down couch until a few days ago but other than that, this is what I’ve been staring at for the last five months.  Can you understand my motivation now?

Not much there, huh?  That’s why I find myself obsessively and vigorously writing, sewing, baking, cooking, volunteering, traveling, etc.  It keeps me sane (mostly).  A lot of the domestic crafts will take a temporary backseat when we return to Iowa because I’ll be sanding, puttying, sawing, fixing, mowing, etc instead to keep me sane, at least until that work is done.  Being away, living in a minimalistic household with barely any furniture, no animals (Gasp!  An uncomfortable rarity for me!) and only one piece of formal artwork, it has given me a new found appreciation for our humble abode in Iowa.  Though it will be bittersweet to say goodbye to Texas and the good friends we’ve made here, we’re all looking forward to being home.

That looks like a slice of paradise to me.

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Our budding family

Welcome to the farm!

True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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