No Way You Could Know
“There is no way that you could know while you’re dating, and there’s no way that you can know in
“There is no way that you could know while you’re dating, and there’s no way that you can know in
For the most part, we’ve managed to stay healthy this fall but like it always does, I knew something was
Happy birthday to me. As most adults know, the magic of birthdays kind of fizzles the older you get. I
Looks like a girl to me! The next baby is going to be… A GIRL!!! I know I’ve already received
A few weekends ago, we met with our friend, Amy, to take some family pictures. Though I’m not particularly fond
“Children are the past, the present, and the future all blended into one. They are consummately precious. Every time a
Sharing a silly straw invention! Though Father’s Day was nearly a week ago and we didn’t pay homage to Jack
Enjoy your cake, Jack! Jack just celebrated his thirty-first birthday, which means that we’ve celebrated more birthdays together than we
Driving the winding cowpaths of Indiana’s back roads. Every mother needs to get away once in a while for a
Our very own bonfire, sans children. Mostly. Jack and I had a hot date late night. Literally. Henry and Hercules
Checking on the grapes–they’re almost ready! With three little kids and another on the way, it’s not always easy to
The flower boxes Jack and the girls put up. Another Mother’s Day has come and gone and with it, has
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